克萊蒙特研究生大學彼得•德魯克及伊藤雅俊管理學院院長、管理學教授Ira A. Jackson博士給BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网院長趙曙明教授的信





兩星期前,麥格勞•希爾出版社出版了《與衆不同的德魯克》(The Drucker Difference)一書,這是一本由德魯克學院的教職員工撰寫的散文合集,其素材來自我們要求全院學生必修的一門獨特的入門課的講義。次日,世界商業論壇在紐約市開幕,成為紀念德魯克誕辰一百周年的一次活動。演講者包括皮肯斯(T. Boone Pickens)、哈默爾(Gary Hamel)、薩克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)以及克魯格曼(Paul Krugman)。我有機會站在無線電城音樂廳的舞台上向5000名與會者做報告,向大家重提了德魯克以及他的理念與實踐的相關性,随後由我邀請論壇的主旨演講嘉賓、前美國總統克林頓先生。我們也利用這個場合發布了德魯克研究所的一個新産品――《解讀德魯克》(Drucker Unpacked),它能幫助任何一個組織利用德魯克的思想和方法來提高績效。


上個星期,寶潔公司的董事長雷富禮(A.G. Lafley)和我們“德魯克百年”紀念活動的四位主席中的一位聯合召集了30名來自企業界和非政府機構的CEO,大家聚首于德魯克研究所,會同世界上知名的研究領導力的學術專家,一起探讨21世紀CEO角色的變化,座談的主要内容是德魯克的思想和觀點以及雷富禮最近在《哈佛商業評論》上發表的一篇文章,其中對于德魯克的引用不下18次。與會者包括來自Intuit, Costco, Macy's, Wegman's, Teach for America等組織的CEO,以及來自斯坦福大學的Jeffrey Pfeffer教授、哈佛BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网的 Moss Kanter 教授、南加州大學的 Warren Bennis 教授、西儲大學的 David Cooperrider 教授、加拿大多倫多羅特曼BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网Roger Martin院長、以及德魯克學院的Vijay Sathe 教授和 Jean Lipman-Blumen教授。

說起《哈佛商業評論》,這個月它出了一期關于“德魯克百年”的專刊,題目是“德魯克對此會怎麼說?” 讓德魯克的智慧幫助我們度過這個動蕩的年代。


當我還在南京期間,我們“德魯克百年”紀念活動的主席之一邵明路先生攜同他在中國的彼得•德魯克學院的團隊,正積極開始了在中國舉辦的五場紀念德魯克誕辰百年的活動,首場活動在北京和濟南舉行。我稍後趕到南昌與他們會合,然後再一起到了上海,現在又到了香港。我們所到之處,都有大量的聽衆,而且聽的人認真專注、講的人思想活躍,大家對于德魯克理論和實踐的熱情與投入是顯而易見的!在中國,人們對于德魯克的關注是深刻的,而且與日俱增。 昨天在香港的主旨演講和分組讨論都表達了對于德魯克的崇敬,感謝他幫助我們理解了管理的内涵、創新的意義、和知識工作者對于維持一個健康經濟的重要性。與會者也都借用德魯克的洞察力來評析最近的“金融風暴”産生的道德方面的原因,強調創造力和好奇心對于推動香港未來的重要性,指出未來的領導者需要秉持德魯克所提出的有效管理、道德領導以及社會責任。

眼下,正當我要返回克萊蒙特之際,一群充滿熱情的學生、校友和教師正着手準備一場被稱為“德魯克之周”的從11月2日到8日的紀念活動,歡迎大家光臨參加!活動安排包括一場日本藝術展以及星期天的一次由德魯克夫人多莉斯主持的早午餐會,其間穿插着許多名人講話,包括Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Charles Handy, Warren Bennis, Frances Hesselbein, 和 Jim Collins等人。

此外,“德魯克百年”紀念活動還将在奧地利的維也納舉行,屆時德魯克夫人多莉斯、德魯克研究所的常務所長Rick Wartzman 、Joseph Maciariello教授以及我本人将與來自歐洲學術界和企業界的知名人士在這座一百年前于1909年11月19日德魯克誕生的城市來共同緬懷他。我們在南美洲的朋友也正在把他們設在巴西聖保羅、阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯、墨西哥城、意大利米蘭等地的商業展覽會改成紀念德魯克誕辰百年的活動,這樣一來,我們的紀念活動真可謂全球性的了,涉及者多達數萬人。


我覺得我們這些身在德魯克學院的同仁就像一個運動員,正在與超過自己重量級的選手們競賽。相比全美國和全世界的那些規模大、資金多的BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网,我們不過是一個很小的機構。事實上,我們可能是美國的1000所BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网中最小的了。但是,就像一個小小的發動機,我們正幫助世人攀登未來所需要的通往學習和知識的陡峭階梯。 我們正從事着 Jim Collins所說的“我們必須:提出重大問題、全力以赴尋求真理和智慧、承擔起常規思考并提供創造性的新觀念、新辦法來解決社會中那些最棘手的難題。”

我對于我們的合作夥伴和我們德魯克學院的人數不多但充滿熱忱的師生員工倍感驕傲! 我們大家都傳承了德魯克的遺産并把他的思想觀念以各種新的方式帶給各種聽衆。透過全世界對德魯克的歡迎,我們不難看出,德魯克的思想得到了前所未有的共鳴!根據最新統計,在世界五大洲的十六個國家已經成立了28個德魯克學會。




Ira A. Jackson



(張子源 翻譯)

October 22, 2009

Dear Shuming:

I'm writing this note from Hong Kong, the fourth Chinese City I've visited in the last four days. What a wonderful, whirlwind few days this has been!

Less than two weeks ago, McGraw-Hill published The Drucker Difference, an anthology of essays from Drucker School faculty based on the unique gateway course that we require of all our entering Drucker School students. For information on the The Drucker Difference, click here.

The next day, the World Business Forum opened in New York City, branded this year into a Drucker Centennial event. Speakers ranged from T. Boone Pickens to Gary Hamel, Jeffrey Sachs and Paul Krugman. I had the opportunity to address the 5,000 attendees from the stage at Radio City Music Hall and to reintroduce Peter Drucker and the relevance of his principles and practices, before introducing our keynote speaker, former President Bill Clinton. We also used this venue to launch the Drucker Institute's new product, Drucker Unpacked, which allows any organization to access Drucker's insights and methods to improve performance. 

Immediately upon my return from the World Business Forum, the Drucker School celebrated its first ever State of the School. This event, attended by students, alumni, university-wide staff and friends from the community allowed our stakeholders a transparent look into what has transpired over the past year and also a window into some of our many plans for the future. Our celebration of the Drucker School culminated with the unveiling of a new street sign and address for the Drucker School, 100 Drucker Way. To commemorate this milestone, Doris Drucker joined CGU Provost Yi Feng, Claremont Mayor Corey Calaycay, CGU Trustee Marshall Taylor and me in unveiling a new street sign and address for the Drucker School: 100 Drucker Way.

Last week, A.G. Lafley, the Chairman of Procter & Gamble and one of our Drucker Centennial Chairs, convened 30 corporate and NGO CEOs at the Drucker Institute, along with some of the world's leading academic experts on leadership, to explore the changing role of the CEO in the 21st Century, informed by Peter Drucker's insights and perspective and a recent article that A.G. wrote in the Harvard Business Review, which cited Peter no fewer than 18 times (click here for more details.) Participants included the CEOs of Intuit, Costco, Macy's, Wegman's, Teach for America, plus Professors Jeffrey Pfeffer of Stanford, Rosabeth Moss Kanter of HBS, Warren Bennis of USC, David Cooperrider of Case Western, Dean Roger Martin of the Rotman School in Toronto, and Vijay Sathe and Jean Lipman-Blumen of the Drucker School.

Speaking of the Harvard Business Review: this month's special edition is devoted to the Drucker Centennial and is entitled: "What would Peter say? " Learn how his wisdom can help you navigate turbulent times.

Following the CEO Forum, I flew through the night to a very special Drucker Centennial celebration at the University of Nanjing, where our alumnus, Shuming Zhao, has been the pioneering dean of the business school which has emerged as a major source of innovative management education in China over the past 31 years. Imagine my delight in arriving at a major forum attended by more than 400 scholars and students and devoted exclusively to learning from the father of modern management: Peter F. Drucker! Dean Zhao also devoted a meeting later in the day of 200 EMBA alumni from the Business School at the University of Nanjing to Peter Drucker's legacy, and I had the privilege to address this group and relate to them how much Peter respected executive management students, how much he learned from them, and how thrilled he would be to witness their devotion to lifelong learning -- and the monthly book club they have established, which includes rereading many of Peter's classics.

While I was in Nanjing, our Drucker Centennial Co-Chair, Minglo Shao, and his talented team from the Peter F. Drucker Academy in China, were kicking off the first of five Drucker Centennial events throughout China , beginning in Beijing and Jinan. I caught up with them in Nanchang, then Shanghai and now Hong Kong. Throughout, the crowds have been large, the audiences attentive, the speakers informative and thoughtful, and the energy and enthusiasm for Peter's principles and practices quite palpable. The commitment to Peter Drucker here in China is deep and profound -- and clearly growing. Yesterday's keynote speeches and panel discussions conveyed respect for Peter's historic contributions to our understanding of management and the role of innovation and the knowledge worker in sustaining a healthy economy. They also built upon Peter's insights to shed light on the ethical dimensions of the recent "financial tsunami," the importance of creativity and intellectual curiosity in propelling Hong Kong's future, and the need for leaders in the future who share Peter's belief in effective management, ethical leadership and social responsibility. 

As I return to Claremont, an enthusiastic team of students, alumni and staff are gearing up for what promises to be a memorable Drucker Week, from November 2-8, to which you are all invited. Sign up here. Activities range from a Japanese Art Exhibit to a concluding Sunday brunch hosted by Doris Drucker -- with a fabulous lineup of speakers in between, including Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Charles Handy, Warren Bennis, Frances Hesselbein, and Jim Collins, among many others -- in both Claremont and in downtown Los Angeles. 

Additional Drucker Centennial events will take place in Vienna, Austria where Doris, Rick Wartzman (Executive Director of the Drucker Institute), Prof. Joseph Maciariello and I will join a pantheon of European academic and business leaders in honoring Peter in the city where he was born 100 years ago November 19, 1909. Our friends in South America are transforming their business expos in São Paulo, Brazil, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mexico City and Milan, Italy, into Drucker Centennial events as well, making our celebration truly global in scope, and involving literally tens of thousands of people.

In all this, there is a growing sense of community and shared commitment across geographies and cultures. The common denominator, the singular language, the unifying method and message, is found in Peter Drucker's values and teachings. Everywhere I go, from board rooms to community groups, from governors' offices to classrooms, the challenges we face as a global community call out for a Drucker-like approach to problem solving, effectiveness and performance, ethical and humble leadership, and social responsibility. 

I feel as though we at Drucker are like an athlete competing above our weight class. We're a tiny institution relative to so many of the massive and financially muscular business schools across America and around the world. Indeed, we may be the smallest of the 1,000 business schools in the United States. But, like the little engine that could, we're helping to lead the way to and climb the steep curve of learning and knowledge that we need for the future. We're doing what Jim Collins says we must: asking the big questions, summoning the courage to seek both truth and wisdom, to take on conventional thinking and offering up creative new ideas and approaches and solutions to some of society's most intractable problems. 

I'm so proud of all our partners and our tiny little band of passionate and super smart students, faculty and staff here at the Drucker School and the Drucker Institute who are sustaining Peter's legacy and revitalizing his message and bringing those insights to new audiences in new ways. It's clear from the reception around the world that Drucker is resonating now as perhaps never before. At the latest count, there are now 28 Societies in 16 countries on five continents. 

Peter challenged us to be good stewards, to leave the world a better place than we found it. Thank you for helping us be good stewards of his legacy. As he would remind us, the best way to predict the future is to create it. Thank you for joining us as we attempt to create the future, together, today, in a Drucker-like way. 

All the best.

Ira A. Jackson

Dean and Professor of Management

Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito

Graduate School of Management

Claremont Graduate University

Tel: (909) 607-9209



