International Business Review 征稿通知 2006/5/10


Special Issue of the on International Business Review


Deadline for submission: October 1, 2006

Guest Editors

Tony Fang, Stockholm University

Shuming Zhao, Nanjing University

Verner Worm, Copenhagen Business School


“Change” is probably the single most important word to capture the sentiments of those who have followed the development of China since it was re-opened to the rest of the world in the late 1970s. Within a little more than two decades, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been transformed from one of the world’s most isolated and backward economies into one of its most dynamic elements. Globalization, foreign direct investment and modern technology have brought myriads of new thinking and new lifestyles to China and pushed Chinese firms going global. China’s entry to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has further energized and speeded up the processes of integrating China with the global business community.

Although few deny that China is changing dramatically little research has been published on the consequences of the changing China on Chinese culture and business behavior. The existing bulk of knowledge about Chinese culture and business behavior builds essentially on the Sino-Western business interactions in early stages of China’s economic reform and open-door policy when the understanding of the mechanisms of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and joint ventures (JVs) was the main focus. Cultural explanations of Chinese business behavior are centered on seeking answers from Chinese traditions and philosophies.

This special issue on “The Changing Chinese Culture and Business Behavior” aims at providing a forum to move beyond the existing paradigms in Chinese culture and business behavior research to capture the changes taking place in the new Chinese business landscape. We welcome innovative papers, both conceptual and empirical, both quantitative and qualitative, which tackle topics such as:

• What constitutes Chinese national culture today and what are the implications for international business in China?

• What are the emerging Chinese values reflected in business and management practices in China?

• How to understand regional diversities of Chinese culture and business behavior within China?

• How to understand professional and corporate culture in China?

• What are the main characteristics of Chinese negotiating style, and how to negotiate successfully in the changing China with SOEs and privately-owned Chinese firms/entrepreneurs?

• What are the challenges and opportunities in doing international business research in China?

Submission Guidelines

All paper submissions should conform to International Business Review’s standard guidelines for authors, details of which can be found at:

Deadline: Manuscripts must be received by October 1, 2006

Papers for this special issue should be submitted electronically to:

Tony Fang (

Stockholm University


It is intended that this special issue of International Business Review will be published in 2007-2008.
